- Agriculture and Food Science
- Applied Science and Professions
- Art and Cultural Studies
- Business Management
- Computer Science and IT
- Engineering
- Environmental Studies and Geography
- Language_and_Education
- Law_and_Legal_Service
- Mathematics_and_Statistics
- Media and Journalism
- Medicine_and_Health_Science
- Natural Sciences
- Social Science and Economics
- Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships
- TRU Potential Entrance Award
- TRU Undergraduate Regional Entrance Awards
- TRU Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship
- TRU Undergraduate Entrance Bursaries
- Listing of all Entrance Awards (including Donor Awards)
- Graduate Awards
- International Athletic Scholarships
- Engineering Scholarships
- TRU Law International Student Award
- Jorge Campos Award for Mexican Citizens
- Scholarships for American Students
- Scholarships for Residents of The Bahamas and Caribbean
- International Social Media Ambassador Awards
- BC Cattlemen’s Association Bursary
- CUPE 4879 Scholarship
- Judith Horley Memorial Bursary – Girl Guides Canada
- Kamloops and District 4-H Senior Council Awards
- Kamloops and District Labour Council
- Kamloops Elizabeth Fry Society Women’s Educational Bursary
- Kamloops Farmers’ Market Bursary
- Kamloops Japanese Canadian Association KJCA Education Award
- Kamloops Minor Hockey Scholarships
- Out of the Ashes Bursary (Phoenix Centre
- Royal Canadian Legion (Kamloops Branch #52) Bursary
- South Asian Bar Association of British Columbia (SABABC)
- South Central Branch/Thompson Rivers University Engineering Transfer Scholarship – Engineers and Geoscientists BC
- United Steelworkers Canada Local 1 – 417 Bursary
- BC Cowboy Heritage Society
- BC Government and Service Employees’ Union Scholarships (BCGEU)
- BC Interior Community Foundation
- BC Nurses Education Bursary
- Canadian Parents for French – Kamloops Chapter – CPF
- Canadian Union of Public Employees – Aubrey Burton/Reg Ford Memorial Scholarship
- Credit Union Foundation of BC
- Lorne Fraser Education Fund – Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division
- Public Guardian and Trustee Educational Assistance Fund
- Trevor Linden Community Spirit Scholarship
- Yconic
- Scholarships Canada
- University Study
- Government of Canada Student Financial Assistance
- Service BC
- Disability Awards
- Global Funding
- School District #73
- Education Planner BC
- Student Scholarships
Program Details
*University World Rank is given based on 2019 THE rank.
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